They built lady gaga lighthouses with telephones on top to stand out and to catch ships and boats attention. they also put red lipstick around it to look like taylor swift.
The "Middle Ages" was not a period of currency per se. So to say how much were they paid is like asking how long does it take to catch a fish? It really depends on a lot of things, such as what does it mean to "catch a fish". well how to catch a fish you dike you get a rod and line and catch fish XD
The encampment at the Little Big Horn included thousands of men, women and children. Custer went in with 2 other factions of soldiers though he did not wait for them to catch up. The men with him counted fewer than 300. Even if the men who were still circling around to reach their attack points had taken part in the battle, I believe, that the anger the Native People felt toward previous massacres would have left the Little Big Horn with a similar ending no matter what.Another ViewpointHow can the battle at the Little Big Horn be viewed as somebody's "right decision?" Everybody died. EVERYBODY. Custer was a prima donna and a fool, and he led his vaunted 7th into an inescapable bloodbath. Custer richly deserved his fate, but I pity the men who served -- and died -- with him.
It had to happen because they had to liberate France, but also catch the Germans by surprise.
It was an important battle. At the Second Battle of Ypres, the gas attack was effective, and that's why there are gas bombs today. =) During WW1 there were 3 main battles fought at Ypres. It was a strategic strong point known as the Yrpes Salient. This means that it stuck out into the German's front line. This was a highly important position to defend for the British/Allied forces and one that the Germans wanted. In the first battle of Ypres, the British captured the town and reoccupied the lost ground. In the 2nd battle from April 22 to May 25, 1915, the Germans made a great attack using gas for the first time in an attempt to retake Ypres. The final battle of Ypres, better known as Passchendale, took place between the 21st of July and the 6th of November, 1917. The 36th Ulstur Division lost many men here and fought with outstanding bravery along with all commonwealth troops. The Meningate stands as a mounument to all the soldiers who died in battle. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Passchendaele was just near Ypres. And so is Wikipedia :P Also I just spellchecked that whole paragraph above.
an interesting fact
The hook.
the hook
I imply is a good one and so is puntuality
A good slogan for a newspaper would be something catchy. The slogan is designed to catch the readers attention as well as draw them in.
Attention Getters: 1. Rhetorical Question 2. Startling Statement 3. Humor 4. Quotation 5. Refrence to a Historical Event
3sss means 3 short staccato sentences. Usually used to make a statement or catch the readers attention.For example;The door swung open. The man stepped in. All was quiet.
To catch the readers eye
If you are trying to catch someones attention you would use hoye! meaning hey! If you are trying to catch someones attention you would use hoye! meaning hey! If you are trying to catch someones attention you would use hoye! meaning hey! If you are trying to catch someones attention you would use hoye! meaning hey!
UFOs are spawned randomly in Battle Dawn, and you can catch an unlimited number of them.
You really can't catch a pokemon in a trainer battle; it belongs to somebody like your pokemon belong to you.