None. The Luftwaffe and the USAF did not exist at the same time. The Lyftwaffe was from 1933 to 1945, the USAF was formed in 1947.
To address a Rear Admiral in letter form it's 'Admiral.'
Unofficially; the AVG-Flying Tigers.
The USAF and the USN are strategic services; meaning they can fight around the globe, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The US Army (the Marines are part of the Strategic USN) is a tactical force and is RESTRICTED to where and when it can go anyplace. The US Army CANNOT go anywhere, unless the USAF or USN takes them there. So...the USAF goes to war, when the Army needs a ride (needs USAF assistance). The USAF has the capability to transport men and material, fight aerial battles with other jet aircraft, and bomb strategic and tactical targets. The USAF's "First" war was the Korean War 1950-1953. During WW2, the USAF didn't exist; they were a "Corps" of the US Army (like the USMC is a Corps of the US Navy). The last war in which the US Air Force engaged a determined aerial enemy was during the Vietnam War. This war created the USAF's last ACE of the 20th century (5 or more air to air combat kills-"Dog-Fighting").
No. USAF TSgt=E6 Army SFC=E7 an Army SSgt=E6
In September they promoted line numbers 0001-1300
Yes, but only if the SSgt outranks the SSgt being punished, either by seniority in rank or in a position of authority over the other.
Jim (Jane) Colonel Sir (Ma'am) or Mr/Mrs. Jim/Jane Doe, Col, USAF Retired
The address of the Stanaker Branch Library is: 611 Ssgt Macario Garcia Dr, Houston, 77011 M
What about JobCorps. That is a great way for him to continue his education as well
Jane's USAF happened in 1999.
Jane's USAF was created in 1999.
The answer is simple and might suprise you, if the USAF will let you join with that charge then you can join Security Forces. The only hinderance for a minor that prevents you from joining Security Forces currently would be a conviction of Domestic Violence.I am a SSgt in Security Forces btw.Added: Please define your definition of "security forces." If you are referring to the armed military police-type, base security units, the above answer may be correct. However - if you are referring to the Intelligence Command of the USAF, that requires a Top Secret security clearance conducted with a deep background check, and the answer might possibly be, no.
The return address on a letter is the address of the person sending the letter. It is important for the recipient of the letter to know from whom and where the letter originated and to have an address to respond, if necessary.
there aint no such thing as a USAF soldier! we are Airman damnit!