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Q: How do you register for Selective Service System?
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Can you register for selective service after age 35?

No, in the United States, men are required to register with the Selective Service System within 30 days of turning 18. After turning 26, it is no longer possible to register.

Define Selective Service Act?

The Selective Service Act is a law in the United States that requires all male citizens and immigrants aged 18 to 25 to register with the Selective Service System. In the event of a national emergency, this system can be used to draft individuals into the military.

Is it a felony to not register for the selective service?

Yes, failing to register for the selective service, if required by law, is considered a federal offense and can result in felony charges.

When was Selective Service System created?

Selective Service System was created in 1917.

What is a result of the selective service act?

The selective service act is the requirement of all young men to register by the time they turn 18, with selective service, in the event of a draft.

Does an immigrant have to register with the US Selective Service when he turns 18?

According to the Who Must Register chart at immigrants must register with the US Selective Service. There are further details at the above URL

What is the budget of Selective Service System?

The budget of Selective Service System is 22,000,000 dollars.

When must all men register selective service?

When they are 18

What nationality of men must register for selective service?


What required men to register with the government for random military service?

The Selective Service Act, although the definition you give of it is a bit misleading.

What was Hillary Clinton's selective service status during the Vietnam war?

Women have never been required - or allowed - to register for Selective Service.

Why do young men have to register in a draft?

when must all men register for selective service