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Prejudice affected Jews during the Holocaust because even before the Holocaust it was all around the and during the Holocaust because the Nazi's and the SS enforced it heavily. Non-Jews were affected by it because it made them look at it with a whole new perspective.

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Prejudice was a factor that led to the conditions that allowed the Holocaust to occur.

Jews faced prejudice in most countries at the time of the Holocaust. But it would be other factors that were in Nazi Germany that led to the Holocaust.

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Sometimes yes and sometimes no... it depends, like the civil war for instance. that wasn't because of prejudice, but the holocaust... yes it was. If you don't know what the holocaust is then get reading because I'm not about to explain!

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Religious prejudice. Hitler wanted to rid the world of Jewish people. The only people set to the gas chambers were members of the Jewish faith.

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Antisemitism was one factor in the Holocaust, but not the basis of it. Antisemitism is a term used to denote a prejudice against Jews, much like sexism denotes a prejudice against a sex, or racism a prejudice against a race.

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