A nation cannot protect it's economic strength without a equally strong military. Nations of the free world during the cold war that had strong economic strength but weak or no militaries were successful...only because the US Military protected them.
they wanted to solved the country's economic problems through foreign expansion.
It is important for a state to have foreign policy because it is the tradition in IR that all states should have foreign policy. Also, it is important for a state to have foreign policy because to help direct state's development through economic, social and political interest of the state.
Any nation that is at odds with the US, "might" cause a man to lose his citizenship if he joined a foreign military. When using the term "American", Canadians consider themselves to be (North) Americans.
It deepened the social economic unrest
All of the above.
Foreign aid is help such as economic or military assistance provided by one country to another.
Olayiwola Abegunrin has written: 'Nigerian foreign policy under military rule, 1966-1999' -- subject(s): Military government, Foreign relations 'Economic dependence and regional cooperation in southern Africa' -- subject(s): Economic integration, Foreign economic relations, Southern African Development Coordination Conference
aid (such as economic or military assistance) provided to one nation by another.
Economic assistance, international aid, military assistance, overseas aid...
Bruce Knarr has written: 'Central America, U.S. economic and military assistance' -- subject(s): American Economic assistance, American Military assistance, Bibliography, Economic assistance, American, Foreign relations, Military assistance, American
Foreign interest groups may be seeking military aid, economic aid, or favorable trade agreements.
The encouragement of economic expansion in the united states is that we need to expand our industries to foreign countries. Military intervention is their own thing as it has nothing to do with economy.
James R. Capra has written: 'The effect of foreign military sales on the U.S. economy' -- subject(s): American Military assistance, Arms transfers, Commerce, Economic aspects, Economic aspects of American military assistance, Economic conditions
The world is increasingly inter-connected or "globalized" as some might say. We are no longer a handful of individual states. In large part we rely on one another for both economic and military support. How the rest of the world views one state is very important. Harsh foreign policy is often coupled with military action or economic embargoes. One might suggest that we shouldn't be complicated with foreign policy and not deal with the complications of other countries and become isolationist. What these people don't realize is that the very act of becoming isolationist is in fact foreign policy.
Although Mussolini introduced fascism in Italy during this period, his foreign policy failed because he wanted to become powerful by siding with Hitler. However, Mussolini did not have the economic resources or military strength to competeÊwith world powers like Germany, France, England, and the United States.Ê
Influence the professionalism of the host nation military
they wanted to solved the country's economic problems through foreign expansion.