After the time that it's guns were unable to fire, the Bismark took roughly 45 minutes to sink.
Hood (battlecruiser)
It's famous because British writer Cecil S. Forester wrote a book about it in 1959, and the British made a film about it called "Sink the Bismarck" in 1960. Otherwise, it sank itself on it's maiden voyage rather than letting the British navy take credit for sinking it. German sailors (there were hundreds of survivors) had been stating for years that THEY scuttled the Bismarck, and the Royal Navy didn't sink it. Dr. Ballard dove on the vessel in the 1980's and proved that the German's were correct! They sunk their own ship!
See: Kaiser Bismarck
Bismarck's primary goal after 1871 was to keep peace in Europe. Another one of his goals was to keep France from becoming too powerful. Otto von Bismarck served as the 1st Chancellor of Germany.
27 May 1941
Hood (battlecruiser)
Hood (battlecruiser)
Country singer Johnny Horton
ho long dose it take a humien to sink in quick sand
Bismarch sunk herself in May 1940.
six hours
It took three hours for the titanic to sink
It took 23 hours or 1 day for the hood to sink
2 hr 37 min
Bismarch committed suicide (scuttled herself) on 27 May 1941.