He arranged for his company to build thousands of aircraft .
Because they can't be sunk. Aircraft carriers were expensive and took a long time to build. The aviators who flew from them required specialized training. They were vulnerable to submarines. Dozens of submarines could be built for the cost of a single carrier. The crew of a carrier was as many men as in twenty or more sub crews. Carriers required a dozen or more ships of other types to protect them from submarines and aircraft. Carriers only have room for a limited number of aircraft. And those aircraft have to be relatively small, so they can take off and land in the few hundred feet of carrier deck - an area shorter than a football field. Because these aircraft have to be relatively small, they are limited in the amount of fuel they can hold, and in the amount of bombs and ordnance they can carry to the target. A WWII carrier aircraft could range out about 250 miles from its ship and be able to return after making its attack. All WWII carrier aircraft had to be single engine, and the heaviest could carry about one ton of bombs. A land airfield could be as big as the island. On Saipan and Tinian in the Marianas huge airfield complexes were built, each home to dozens of heavy, four engine bombers, which could carry tons of bombs two thousand miles and return. Islands do not move. In darkness or bad weather they can be found. Finding a carrier the same conditions in a vast expanse of ocean was not easy in WWII.
what was learned during the war? how to build rockets and use them for bombs and planes
People volunteered
On the average a modern Aircraft carrier takes about 5 years from beginning to delivery.
1 billion
Draw a pattern, cut out, glue and fold where needed.
They attempted to build one and called it the Graf Zeppelin but it was never finished because they put it on hold constantly. At the end of World War 2 the soviets stole it and used it as target practice sinking it in a harbour.
There are not really any such things as "Commercial aircraft carriers" They are so expensive to build and maintain that only the military of powerful seafaring nations run them.
They build aircraft.
He arranged for his company to build thousands of aircraft .
During World War 2 Mercedes Benz did not build cars. They built tanks, trucks, and aircraft engines. The German military took over control of Mercedes Benz during WW2. As skilled workers were needed to build military equiptment it is doubtful they used slave labor.
JCPenney has a toy naval aircraft carrier in their Christmas catalog every year.
It's aeronautical engineering, and it's when you design an aircraft, build it, test it and introduce it to the world.
Aerospace engineers build aircraft