The three American carriers launched a total of 42 torpedo planes during the Battle of Midway..15 from Hornet, 14 from Enterprise, and 13 from Yorktown. Of the 42 which attacked the Japanese carriers, only 7 returned. Yorktown lost 10, Enterprise lost 10, and Hornet lost all 15.
The American carriers were Yorktown, Hornet and Saratoga. The Japanese carriers were Kaga, Akagi, Hiryu, and Soryu. Sorry, Saratoga is not correct, it was the Big "E", USS Enterprise CV-6. Sara was recovering from torpedo damage. Halsey was out sick (Halsey's flagship was Enterprise), which gave command to Spruance. The Japanese had two light carriers supporting the aleutian attacks, as part of the overall plans.
USS Yorktown (CV-5); Battle of Midway 1942: 38 SBD Dauntless Dive Bombers 13 TBD Devastator Torpedo Bombers 20 F4F Wildcat Fighters
The spar torpedo was first effectively used to sink ships during the US Civil War (1861). The automotive torpedo was first effectively used in the Russo-Turkish War (1877). The first major use of self propelled torpedoes (automotive torpedoes) was the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05). All torpedoes mentioned above were launched from torpedo boats or torpedo boat destroyers.
Russian naval officer Makarov is credited with making the first "automotive torpedo" hit against a Turkish warship during the Russo-Turkish war in 1877. The Russian flagship (battleship) "Prince Suvorov" was finished off with torpedoes launched from Japanese torpedo boat destroyers during the battle of Tsushima on 27 May 1905, during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05.
The Battle of Midway Island. Japanese and American naval forces had a fierce 3-day battle around this Pacific island northwest of Hawaii. The Americans won a resounding victory, sinking four Japanese aircraft carriers while losing one (the USS Yorktown). The battle was the first in which the opposing fleets never sighted one another -- all combat was by bombers and torpedo planes launched from carriers. The Japanese had hoped to finish off the American Pacific fleet after their successful attack at Pearl Harbor. Instead, they suffered a disastrous loss that put them on the defensive for the rest of the war. The battle is probably the most important naval victory in American history. <MIDWAY>
The most decorated warship is US Navy history was the USS Enterprise (CV-6). She was approximately 820 feet long, displaced about 20,000 tons, and carried between 70 and 90 aircraft, depending upon the size of the airplane (dive bombers, torpedo bombers, or Wildcat fighters). Enterprise was a "Yorktown" class carrier, with two sisters: USS Hornet & USS Yorktown. Hornet was sunk at the Battle of Santa Cruz Islands and Yorktown was sunk at the Battle of Midway. Enterprise was scrapped in 1959.
Of interest is that the 3 USN carriers at Midway were of the same class: The Yorktown class. The USS Enterprise, USS Hornet, and the USS Yorktown were designed to operate about 90 aircraft. Since Yorktown's flight deck was damaged during the fight, and radar indicated more IJN aircraft enroute to target (Yorktown), Yorktown launched her remaining flyable airplanes for the interception...most of which were short on fuel. USN losses during the Midway campaign was approximately 150 airplanes. With about 100 being destroyed in the torpedo and dive bombing attacks, plus the fighter interception dog-fights...both for attacking the IJN carriers and defending the Yorktown against attackers. Explosions on the sinking Yorktown accounted for some destroyed airplanes, but some, possibly about 20 were launched for an interception. An estimation of around 25 USN aircraft may have been lost to empty fuel tanks during the battle.
The American carriers were Yorktown, Hornet and Saratoga. The Japanese carriers were Kaga, Akagi, Hiryu, and Soryu. Sorry, Saratoga is not correct, it was the Big "E", USS Enterprise CV-6. Sara was recovering from torpedo damage. Halsey was out sick (Halsey's flagship was Enterprise), which gave command to Spruance. The Japanese had two light carriers supporting the aleutian attacks, as part of the overall plans.
no because torpedos are self propelled, people are too but the are to slow to be "launched" from a torpedo tube.
The armaments of the Enterprise-D included twelve phaser arrays, two torpedo launchers, a supply of 250 photon torpedoes and hundreds of antimatter mines.
Torpedoes were originally launched from torpedo boats in the 1870s. Although TBs were still used, by the Russo-Japanese War of 1904, Torpedo Boat Destroyers (TBDs) were more effective in launching torpedoes; as well as destroying TBs. Which is why they were called "destroyers", because they originally were designed to "destroy (kill)" torpedo boats.
Actually the submarine will not kill any one, but the rockets and torpedo launched from the submarine kill the people.
IJN Torpedo Boat Destroyers went into Port Arthur and launched a night time torpedo attack against the anchored Russian battleships in February 1904.
USS Yorktown (CV-5); Battle of Midway 1942: 38 SBD Dauntless Dive Bombers 13 TBD Devastator Torpedo Bombers 20 F4F Wildcat Fighters
A warshot torpedo is a fully armed and operational torpedo that is ready to be fired at an enemy target during wartime. It is designed to cause maximum damage and destruction upon impact. Warshot torpedoes play a crucial role in naval warfare, particularly in submarine operations.