Dr. Jose Rizal was shot with only one bullet to his back at exactly 7:03 in the morning. This is because the firing squad used were composed of Filipinos. They don't want to be a traitor in their own motherland but, they had to ,or else, they are the ones who will die along with Dr. Rizal.
i do not know also but in my opinion one bullet targeting the heart and after he fell he was shot in the body again instead on the head as he requested to the officer of Spaniard's soldier.
where is the body of Jose Rizal lays
Effective body armour did not exist at that time, any armour strong enough stop bullets would have been to heavy for a man to move in.
It is unknown how many people died from bullets from the MP40. The warriors did not go around counting how many people got killed by certain types of weapons. They had a hard enough time dealing with identification of the dead warriors and counting bodies and figuring out which body parts belonged to whom and who was missing.
i do not know also but in my opinion one bullet targeting the heart and after he fell he was shot in the body again instead on the head as he requested to the officer of Spaniard's soldier.
bullets to the body.
actually when jose rizal executed and secretly burried in paco cemetery his body is uncoffined and being discovered 2 years after of his execution because of the reversed initials RPJ and the only found on the grave was shoes and his coat that was now with the national museum.. unlike rizal his comrade andres bonifacio did not know any traces where he was buried and up to now, they do not know where exactly burried bonifacio
where is the body of Jose Rizal lays
Damage whatever they hit.
First the body is executed, then the condition gets checked.
+Ronald Reagan
These statements are called conditionally executed statements because the may or may not be executed. They will be executed while the boolean (true/false) statement in the beginning of the loop is true, but will not be executed when statement is false.
Black Talons were hollow point ammo designed for self-defense. Contrary to popular misperception, they are not cop killer bullets and are not able to defeat body armor any better than other bullets -- in fact they are more easily stopped by body armor.
For a period of his life believed to be approximately 20 years, president Andrew Jackson had two bullets lodged in his body. Jackson did not believe that there was a doctor skilled enough to surgically remove them.