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The US lost 416,800 service members during World War 2.

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Slightly more than 400000 soldiers of the United States did lose their lives during the World War 2.

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Q: How many men did the United States lose during World War 2?
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To which country did Britain lose in 1783?

Britain lost to the American Colonies which would become the United States of America six years later in 1789.

What damages did Canada take after World War 2?

The economy of Canada improved after World War 2. They had sold bonds to fund the war effort too and did not have debt or as you say damages. They did lose over 40,000 people to the war and over 50,000 were injured. Canada was able to recover well after World War 2 just as the United States did. They were or became part of the United Nations. I have added a link for you to read about Canada and its experience before, during and after the war. They did not have the struggles the Brits had because Canada had not been heavily bombed as Britain had been. They did help the Brits with their recovery process.

Did World War 2 lose?

How can a war lose? you can lose a war or someone can win but a war its self can't lose.

Why did president Johnson believed that it was important for the US to win in Vietnam?

He feared a communist takeover in Southeast Asia if the United States left Vietnam. He believed in the plausibility of the domino theory; that Communism would continue to spread if allowed to move unchecked throughout the world. His decided that it was less costly to escalate the war and get it over with. Unfortunately, he was wrong. Once the US was deeply into the war, he did not want to lose, knowing that it would weaken US prestige in the world and with the American people to give up without winning anything. He believed in the domino theory.

What country gave up in World War 1?

Russia backed out because they had more to lose during the war than win. their people were starving and casualties were high

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During the war of 1812 they planned to secede from the United States

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Why did English spread worldwide in the 20th century?

Because of the largest worldwide empire in the world, the British Empire. After World War II, the United States took over as the world's formost superpower encompassing the United Kingdom even if the United Kingdom is victorious. But the United Kingdom did not lose her status as a superpower.

What nations celebrate Veterans Day?

The United States is the only one others have holidays on the same day to commemorate the lose of lives during WW1 but not other days.

To who did Mexico lose half of its territory in the middle of the 1800's?

To the United States.

Who is Dr M Phyllis Lose?

She was the first equine (horse) surgeon in the United States.

Why did the United States lose its place as a world economic leader in the 1970's?

The United States lost their place as an world economic leader when Europe and Japan challenged America's world economic supremacy. Inexpensive and efficient Japanese cars went into the market while Europe products made strong competition to Americanized goods. This led to underemployment, causing a downfall in the United State's economy and a loss in place of a world economic leader.

What effect did World War 2 have on the population of the United states?

We did lose a large amount of troops but there was not much reconstruction needed because no battles from WW2 took place on American soil.

Where did Germany lose the war?

World War II, during the holocaust.

Why did Mexico lose so much of their land?

It fell victim to war. In this case, against the United States.

Why do immigrants lose their native language when they migrate to the united states?

if they have been here for a long time they don't lose it they just forget it because they haven't heard it in a while

What is the average price for lipo suction in the United States?

The average price of lip suction in the United States in $10.000 dollars. But I try recommending diet and exercise is a lot better way to lose your unwanted weight