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Q: How many people could fit in a World War 1 airplane?
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How many guns did the world war 2 planes have?

That varied depending on the airplane, bombers could have many.

How many seats are in an airplane?

Of course it depends on the airplane and the seating configuration. But the largest commercial airliner in the world, the Airbus 380, can seat up to 853 people.

How many people fly in an airplane each day in the world?

17. 19 on every third thursday.

Who improved the airplane?

There are many people that improved the airplane. The airplane is still being improved today.

How many people do you need to build an airplane?

A single person can build an airplane.

How many people were on the airplane that crashed into the pentagon?

59 people

Who improved airplanes?

There are many people that improved the airplane. The airplane is still being improved today.

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Many people have purchased airplane tickets from

How many people can sit on a united airplane?

It depends upon the model of the airplane. They are not all the same size.

How did airplane pilots communicate in World War 2?

By the beginning of World War 2 many planes were equipped with radios. If they did not have radios or in case of radio failure, the pilots could still communicate with each as was done in World War 1, with hand signals. By maneuvering of the aircraft they could achieve a primitive communication with other planes, and people on the ground.

How many people could fly in the first airplane?

Only one person could fit on the first plane. The engine was not much better than a lawn mower engine (but much heavier). I have added some photos for you to see the plane on the link below.

How long does it take to unload an airplane?

It varies, depending on how many people are on the airplane, but on average, from 30 minutes to an hour.