it was said it was meant to hold 10.000 prisoners but ended up with over 30.000
12,912 people died in Andersonville Prison of disease, malnutrition and many other causes.
Dolly luvd it
Andersonville prison was a disease ridden lace where confederates kept captured union soldiers during the Civil War. The prison was overly stuffed with union soldiers and had many diseases. The prison was originally sup post to hold about 10,000 soldiers but eventually was raised to around 20,000 and still didn't have enough room. A bog percentage of the soldiers kept there died, and there wasn't a lot of food. Sometimes the guards that protected the prison wouldn't have enough food either. A lot of times the soldiers guarding the prison would kill may prisoners that tried to climb over the wooden barriers to escape.
I visited Andersonville and the Prisoner of War Museum last summer. I believe the statistics were that 45,000 prisoners passed through the gates of Andersonville Prison camp or also known as Camp Sumter. The total deaths for its entire operation was 15,000. What is amazing is that one Union soldier secretly kept records of each death and place of burial, such there were only about 200 who were Unknown graves. I think the maximum confined at one time was about 15,000---but I'm not sure. The camp originally was only 16 acres and later they expanded it to 26 acres. However the small stream that flowed through the camp and the swamp bottom land took up some of the space. And there was a 5-foot dead line around the inside of the walls of the prison that no prisoner could cross. That reduced the effective size of the camp even more.
There are many different selections to chose from. First, the War Between the States prisons were over crowded due to the fact that no one expected the massive casualties that would take place. A casualty was anyone killed, wounded, or captured in a battle or as results of the war. Prisons were often forced to hold double their capacity. Second, most history is distorted by claiming that Andersonville, Ga (a Southern prison) was the worst thing on earth. This seems to be the only prison of the Confederacy that history books can name while the list can go on about the North. As far as death rates, Camp Douglas=10% a month which was higher than Andersonville, and Elmira dubbed Hellmira, NY was just below Andersonville. The prison surgeon at Elmira used to brag that he was killing more Confederates per week than any Union regiment. As far as worst Northern prisons, Thomas R. Flagel in History Buffs Guide to the Civil War says....... 1. Camp Douglas could take the cake as worst Union prison though. It was supposed to hold 6,000 but often held 12,000 with 4,454 deaths. After Shiloh the prison swelled and was built on a low lying area. Light rain would cause flooding that created stagnant water and filth to gather. The U.S. Sanitary Commission was disgusted by an 1862 visit but camp commanders dismissed their reports. Subzero temperatures and no shelter caused many to become sick and die. It was in operation until 1865. 2. Point Lookout, Maryland was meant to hold 10,000 but at capacity held 22,000. There were roughly 3, 500 deaths. According to Thomas R. Flagel's History Buff's Guide to the Civil War..."In response to the horrid conditions of Confederate prisons, secretary of war Edwin M. Scranton forbade a construction of barracks [ for the abundance or prisoners] at Point Lookout and elsewhere (p. 268)". Flagel also continues that prisoners could access the seafront to feed on dead birds, fish, wharf rats, etc.... 3. Elmira, NY was meant to hold 5,000 but held almost 10,000 with around 3,000 deaths. As mentioned, it was nicknamed 'Hellmira' and the prison surgeon took pleasure in killing Confederates. Thousands arrived from Point Lookout with diseases or starved. Flagel says that the prisoners had to use dead rats as currency. Prisoners were often starved as payback for Confederate prison conditions. The rest of Flagels top 10 worst prison include Fort Deleware, Camp Chase, Rock Island, and Camp Morton. Out of Flagels 10 worst prisons, only two Confederate prisons made the cut.
There were approximately 45,000 prisoners in Andersonville. But over 12,000 union soldiers held there died
Miserable! There were too many Union prisoners, and not enough food, drinking water, or shelter. Thousands of prisoners died.
Overcrowding. As many as 6 times too many prisoners in a confederacy that had trouble feeding it's own soldiers.
12,912 people died in Andersonville Prison of disease, malnutrition and many other causes.
Dolly luvd it
The prison named HM Prison Dartmoor located in Devon, England, has the capacity to hold up to six hundred and fifty three prisoners. The prison houses male inmates and is classified as a Category C prison.
Andersonville prison was a disease ridden lace where confederates kept captured union soldiers during the Civil War. The prison was overly stuffed with union soldiers and had many diseases. The prison was originally sup post to hold about 10,000 soldiers but eventually was raised to around 20,000 and still didn't have enough room. A bog percentage of the soldiers kept there died, and there wasn't a lot of food. Sometimes the guards that protected the prison wouldn't have enough food either. A lot of times the soldiers guarding the prison would kill may prisoners that tried to climb over the wooden barriers to escape.
there is no prison so there will be no prisoners
Well, few prisons do not allow the prisoners to watch tv. Some prisoners are allowed to. It depends which prison you are in. Many do not have televisions.
The Louisiana State Prison (Angola) holds about 5,000 Maximum Security prisoners.