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There were hundreds of ghettos, so please see the link. The Nazis kept the population of the Warsaw Ghetto constant at about 380,000-400,000. As the inhabitants died of starvation and disease more Jews were forced into the ghetto. The position was similar in Lodz Ghetto, with a population of about 160,000. From 1942 onwards, the ghettos were gradually emptied, as the inhabitants were taken to extermination camps.

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Q: How may people lived in each ghetto during World War 2?
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In the movie Schindler's List how was life in the ghetto?

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How many children lived in the Lodz Ghetto during the Holocaust?

There were approximately 5,000-6,000 children who lived in the Lodz Ghetto during the Holocaust. Tragically, the majority of them did not survive. It is estimated that only around 900 children from the ghetto survived until the end of the war.

Use Ghetto in a sentence?

"Maria lived in a ghetto neighborhood."

What happened in the ghettos?

people lived and died, conditions were worse than ouside of the ghetto, but for a brief period people lived in a micro society

Who Lived During World War 2?

A lot of people.

How many Jews lived in a ghetto?

That depended on the ghetto - anywhere from about 800 to 450,000.

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its cool