Sticks and stones have always been available for use as weapons. Either one could have been the first, but the stick may make more sense.
Although airplanes changed from cloth covered wooden airplanes of WWI into metal airplanes of WWII, as well as more advanced and powerful bombers; the real change was "Naval Warfare." Air power completely eliminated the mighty battleship as a decisive naval weapon. Airplanes (launched from aircraft carriers) became the new naval weapon. WWII may be unique in that it was the only war in history in which aircraft carriers fought aircraft carriers.
No weapons. They were a mission. The unit of 5-6 soldiers may have had flintlock guns.
Pinnacle - Empty Quiver. Certain types of loss might be classified as Pinnacle - Broken Arrow instead. (Some people may tell you that it should be "Rogue Spear" based on the computer game, which is reasonable considering the terminology for other similar events, but that term was made up by the writer.)
It may not sound like a killer, but the main weapon the Germans employed was fear, fear of their military might at the start of their French campaign, scarring Winston Churchill with their use of unrestricted submarine warfare, and using propaganda in conquered territory's to scare people with altered views of the allies, minority groups and the German war machine.
It is not classified as a weapon, though may be used as one.
Recognition doesn't have any staying power because it is forgettable. People can't leverage recognition as much as they can leverage a promotion.
YES, anything could, BUT it may not be a very good one
Just about any item can be considered an assault weapon depending on how it is used. It is the intent that is most often considered. A rolled up newspaper could be used to hit or assault a person just as well as a knife or gun. The penalty may not be as severe but the assault is still applicable.
Anthrax can be used as a biological weapon as only 100gms. of Anthrax released over a major city may cause up to 3 million casualties.
The main reason you are not getting recognition for your contributions is that your contributions may be average, or not top-notch. Contributions are worth getting recognition for if you make top-notch contributions that are above average. Otherwise, your contributions may not be worth the recognition.
The power for the machines in the mill is provided by nuclear energy. Diesel may be used as fuel or some may use electric current to power the mill machines.
If there is a hole in a person, it was probably a bullet. If there is a big cut or wound, then it may be a knife.
Aerosols make an awesome weapon. They have been done before using anthrax spores.
A nuclear weapon is one of the most powerful weapons in existence, so it is difficult to say if there is a specific weapon that is definitively stronger. However, some may argue that certain future technologies, such as antimatter weapons or advanced cyber warfare capabilities, could potentially surpass the destructive power of a nuclear weapon.
A non-service pattern weapon (NSP) is a personal weapon that members of the military may have. NSPs are limited to one.
A heavy and uncomfortable pillow. It would likely be difficult to sleep on and may cause neck or back strain if used. It could also be used as a makeshift weapon in a dangerous situation.