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At the beginning of World War II, a Private in training made $21 a month. The pay rate was higher for each stripe, and the overall pay rates were raised as the war went on. There were also higher pay rates for things like Overseas Duty, Hazardous Duty, dependents at home, etc.

It was not exactly a good way to get wealthy, but for the soldier or sailor overseas who did not gamble, there was still a nice bit of money to send home or to bank each payday simply because there wasn't much to spend it on otherwise.

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13y ago

An Army private was paid $1.00 per day while in France in the AEF (American Expeditionary Forces). This was the origin of the term "buck private". A full general was paid $10,000 per year, or about $27.40 per day.

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There's a pay scale, and pay is based on rank (pay grade), time in service, and any other permitted allowances (e.g., hazardous duty pay, housing allowances and Cost of Living Allowance, etc.).

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16y ago

A US Private made about $70.00 amonth, base pay. Other monies, such as jump (airborne) pay, hazardess duty pay, over-seas pay, etc. were added to his base pay.

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11y ago

US Army Privates were paid $50 per month plus $10 combat pay

Paratroopers made an extra $50 a month

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about 4 million a mission, and depending on the information they were able to receive

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Q: How much did British soldiers get paid to fight in World war 2?
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