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It's something like this... 1 time service member base pay + half base pay - 20% = DLA before PCS + 20% after PCS. GradeWithout-Dependent Rate With-Dependent Rate E-9$2,013.46 $2,654.41 E-8 $1,848.07 $2,446.80 E-7$1,578.89 $2,271.76 E-6 $1,429.19 $2,099.14 E-5$1,318.15 $1,887.89 E-4 $1,146.73 $1,887.89 E-3$1,125.01 $1,887.89 E-2 $913.77 $1,887.89 E-1 $814.81 $1,887.89

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Can you get dla for have opcd?

In terms of DLA, it is the effect and not the cause which is important. Therefore, it is impossible to say. But if you have certain care or mobility needs then you may be entitled.