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Q: How was World War 2 like no other war?
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What is the difference between a world war and a Civil War?

A World War (like World War I and World War II) has a lot of the world participating (in a more friendly word) in it. A Civil War (like the Vietnamese Civil War/Vietnam War or the USA Civil war) is when a large body fights against each other in a war. It's not like when your class can't decide whether to have pepperoni or cheese for your pizza party.

What is the other name given to the world war 1?

The great war. world war I. the first world war. The war to end all wars.

What was it like to visit germany after war world 1?

After world war one, visiting Germany was like visiting any other European country, aside from the separation of Jews.

What made world war 1 more horrific than any other war?

World War I was not more horrific than any other war. Some would say World War II was though.

What is meant by total war?

It's a term similar to other large wars like World War II. It's when a country puts forth every effort it has to wage war on another axis or world power.

What is the name of World War 1?

world war 1, and war war 2

Why did more people die in World War 2 then any other war?

Because world war was more dominate and world war 2 has more killing in world war 2

What is a recent conflict that is like the world war 2?

The Viet Nam War was similar to World War 2 but did not involve the entire world stage and forces. That is the most recent war that was anything near to being like World War 2.

How was the Civil War like no other war?

The Civil War killed more people than any other war.

An other name for world war 1?

The Great War

How did Jews retreat in World War 1 1955-1989?

World War 1 was from 1914 to 1918.World War 2 was from 1939 to 1945.There has been no other World War, so there was no world war '1955-1989'. In other words there's a major misunderstanding here.

Why did Germany go into war with Japan in World War 2?

Germany and Japan were allies during World War 2. They were not at war with each other.