It was mainly because the existence of nuclear weapons. That was why the conflict stayed a 'cold war'; both sides tried to undermine and destroy each other, but they dared not let it go to actual fighting - that would have destroyed them. So they would compete in almost everything
By AD9410(henry111)
It actually started in the Soviet Union
The cold war started in 1945 after the World War II. The cold war was between Russia and some of the western countries. The existence of the nuclear weapons is what led to the development of the Cold war.
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the Cold War stated when Stalin broke the Yalta agreement by forcing communism upon Eastern European Nations.
Detente means to relax or to relief tension. When the cold war started Detente first kept thing relaxing but as it went on it got worse.
The Cold War started in 1947.
Atomic weapons started the cold war in 1945.
No, the Cold War started when Hitler was dead.
The cold war started in the mid 1940s
Atomic Weapons started the cold war. Cold War means Stand-off.
No one single event started the end of the Cold War. Rather it was a series of factors that combined.
The cold war commenced in 1945 when the A-Bomb detonated.
Hitler did not have any involvement in the Cold War, he was dead by the time it started.
Yes. World War 2 ended in 1945, and the Cold War started in 1947-48.
the cold war started im may 1945 and it ended in 1991
the CIA started in 1947 after the cold war
Latin America was the strategic backyard of the US during the Cold War. The Cold War started after World War II and lasted until 1991.