Blitz KREIG is translated as "lightning war" in German. Used to describe a type of attack using planes and fast moving vehicles followed by infantry to surprise and overwhelm an opponent.
There are several terms that involve peace between two countrues: non-aggression pact, armistice, and truce are the most common
Answer Both attacked each other at the same time. This was an interesting sea battle as it was the first one that two naval forces fought each other without being in visual contact. The Japanese launched their planes to attack the Army and Air Forces on Midway Island. The American naval fleet had intelligence to know that the Japanese fleet was approaching, so they launched their planes to attack while their aircraft were over Midway.
Poland attack by Nazi.China Attack by Imperial Japanese Army.Ethiopia attack by Italy
The Twin Towers attack was on 11sep2001
Retaliation means if you attack us we will attack you with everything that we have (and more). A retaliatory strike would mean the same thing.
Crabcore is a term that was invented to describe band Attack Attack
The Chief decided to describe an elaborate plan of attack to his subordinates.
No, not really. A diatribe (definition from is "a bitter, sharply abusive denunciation, attack, or criticism." But all of these negative words only describe what a diatribe IS. They don't describe the quality of it. If a diatribe is exceptionally well-written and eloquent, then it would indeed be wonderful, no matter how bitter, caustic, and cruel it was. If it was rambling and clumsily written, with limited vocabulary, then it would be an inadequate diatribe.
One interesting fact about the cougars is that cougars are acctually "SHY" animals!As saying that cougars are strange because they do not attack people! But when they do its because they are hungry!
In a heart attack, one will describe the feeling as if there was an elephant sitting on his chest.
they planed to do it without the Romans knowing
Bats are a mammal not a bird Bats are nocturnal Bats attack something if you through it at
Bats are a mammal not a bird Bats are nocturnal Bats attack something if you through it at
No, the words "assail" and "attack" are synonymous and can be used interchangeably to describe a violent or aggressive action towards someone or something.
Whaling is the term used to describe an email attack that is targeted at senior management. The term spear phishing is used when the target is a group of people.