The "climax" of D-day, would probably be when the troops storming Normandy had finally gained a foothold sufficient for landing supplies and reinforcements.
probably when kronos's army comes through the labyrinth and attacks them
There are a great many candidates for that moment, but I'd like to nominate one line from one speech. "Mister Gorbachev, oepn this gate. Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" President Ronald Reagan, speaking at the Brandenburg Gate in West Berlin on June 12, 1981.
At about 1PM of Sept.20, 1863, when Gen. George Thomas, the higher Rank officer remained on the field took overall command and rallied the Union Units which were still fighting, repealing five Confederate attacks led by Gen. Longstreet and managed to retreat from the battlefield in the late evening, without being pursued by the enemy.
In the gym when Nora almost dies...
The falling action takes place after the climax. This is when the story begins to die down and there is less action. The story is almost resolved at this point.
Almost any high fantasy story, such as The Lord of the Rings, will have several plots which converge on one climax.
The falling action takes place after the climax. This is when the story begins to die down and there is less action. The story is almost resolved at this point.
climax is the climax of the climax and the climax or the climax
The psychological climax of the sonata-allegro form is said to occur when the tonic key returns later in the piece of music, almost inevitably at the recapitulation.
Naval Forces in support of military operations in Panama and Grenada.
The cast of Climax - 2005 includes: John Atzberger as Reginald "John Boy" Sinclair Alex Dittmer as Goon 1 Ashley Goehring as Techie 2 Debbie Morrison as Secretary Nick Pavlick as Techie 1 John Swartz as Mission Driver
Naval Forces in support of military operations in Panama and Grenada.