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During the American Civil War many soldier wore kepis.

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Q: In what American armed conflict did troops on both sides wear flat caps called kepis?
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American armed conflict in which troops wore flat caps called kepis?

It was the American Civil War where American troops wore flat caps called kepis.

American armed conflict in which troops on both sides wore caps called kepis?

American civil war

What was the American armed conflict on which troops on both sides wore flat caps called kepis?

They were called the Cats

What was the American armed conflict in which both troops on both sides wore flat caps called kepis?

They were called the Cats

What is the American armed conflict in which troops on both sides wore flat caps called kepas?

civil war

What American armed conflict in which troops on both sides wore flat caps called kepis?

The American armed conflict with troops on both sides wearing flat caps called kepis was the American Civil War. These caps were a distinctive part of the uniforms worn by soldiers in both the Union and Confederate armies during the conflict.

In what American armed conflict did troops on both sides wear flat caps?

American Civil War

American armed conflicted in which troops on both sides wore flat caps called kepis?

American civil war

What factor limits the ability of the United Nations to supply peacekeeping troops in the case of armed conflict?

Member nations must volunteer to provide the troops.

Laws of armed conflict need to be reviewed to suit the environment of the 21 century?

The Laws of Armed Conflict have their origins in such ancient documents as the Treaty of Westphalia of 1648, the writings of St Augustine, and the Hague and Geneva Conventions. As such, the Laws of Armed Conflict exist fairly independently of time or place.The questioner may be asking in regard to the enemies US troops now face -- enemies that do not wear uniforms or fight in a conventional way. For now, the US Laws of Armed Conflict are resolute; regardless of what the enemy does, and how he does it, US troops are obligated to follow the same Laws as US troops have followed for many years.

What was the American armed conflict in which both sides wore flat caps called kepis?

The civil war by Zach Goebel

American armed conflict both sides wore kepis?

civil war