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Q: In what ways did the south's morale deteriorate during the civil war?
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Who was the souths greatest general during the Civil War?

was the key general of the south during the civil war

What was the souths economy like during the civil war?

Before the War it was great. During and afterwards it was terrible.

What was the Souths military goal during the civil war?

defeat the confederate forces and re-unite the union

What is the capitol for the north during civil war?

im studing civil war right now, and i believe it was still Washington dc. however the souths was RIchmond Virginia!

What was the south's war strategy during the Civil War?

The souths plan to win the war was to repel the attacks instead of invading the North.

Who was the Souths president duing civil war?

Jefferson Davis

What union general accepted souths surrender during civil war?

General Ulysses S. Grant accepted the surrender of the south at appomattox courthouse.

Which victorious battles during the US Civil War boosted and enhanced the morale of Confederate soldiers?

Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville

What was the Souths Plan going into the Civil War?

the souths plan was for to wait till the north gave up or got tired like fort Sumter

Was Jefferson Davis a present in the civil war?

yes,he was president of the souths side

The souths main goal of the civil war was to?

to recognition that they are their own "country" that is the main purpose why the south started the civil war

How did the civil war hurt the souths economy?

it caused inflation, prices rose 9,000 percent %