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Q: Is squad short for squadron
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What was the squadron number of the Dam-busters?

The Dam Busters' Squadron was no. 617.

Who were 633 squadron?

The 633 Squadron is a fictional RAF Mosquito Squadron of WW II. It exist only in the movie. This is not true. The name 633 Squadron became known through a novel and subsequent movie, both of course fictional. There was and still is however a real 633 Squadron formed in 1948. It is a voluntary RAF Squadron for the flight training of young Air Training Corps cadets. I used to be an instructor with this squadron.

What does the Nazi SS squad mean?

The SS, or Schutzstaffel ("Protective Squadron"), group were originally Hitler's personal bodyguards. Toward the war's end they became the Einsatzgruppen, or death squads, mercilessly and brutally hunting down mainly Jews.

How many tanks in a squadron?

There are three tanks in a squadron. A squadron is divided into tanks, fighting headquarters, and administrative headquarters. There are five tank troops with three tanks each.

How many troops in army squad?

In actual war, numbers are based upon reality. Example: in the Vietnam War sometimes a dismounted platoon was only 8 men. The rest were either pulling .50 duty or assigned driver on the ACAV, or DERO's or ETS'd out. DEROs was rotated out of Vietnam (his tour of duty was up); ETS was honorably discharged from the army. An ACAV was a M-113, modified into a Armored Cavalry Assault Vehicle. For PAPER purposes, a squad is the lowest army unit, consisting of 12 men. But the squad "could" be further divided into sections. Two or more squads make a platoon; a platoon is the lowest OFFICER led unit in the Army. Usually three platoons (plus a headquarters platoon) make a company. In the Armored Cavalry, a company is called a TROOP...such as "F" Troop. Cavalry Troops and Infantry Company's are commanded by Captains.

Related questions

What is the abbreviation for square centimeter?

The abbreviation for squadron is squad. A squadron can mean a group of military (troops) that operate tanks, planes, etc.

What are some words that begin with the 3 letter blend squ?

squid, squash, squad, squadron, squish,squatsqualorsquallsquaresquealsquirtsquelchsquirrelsquander

Is squad a long vowel?

No, "squad" does not have a long vowel. The 'a' in "squad" makes the short vowel sound as in "cat".

What is a saw?

A saw is short for a military gun, squad automatic weapon. A saw is short for squad automatic weapon. It is a military gun.

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Some words that start with 'squ' are:squintsquashsquishsquaresquatsquirtsqueezesquid

Can a team be required two bowl short when one member is out from sickness?

Yes if the sick player is in the squad and then becomes ill, the squad can't change, so the will be a bowler short

Is squadron a collective noun?

Yes, the noun 'squadron' is a collective noun for:a squadron of cavalrya squadron of planesa squadron of fighter planesa squadron of jetsa squadron of swans

What is the subdivision of a fleet called?

squadron Flotilla, Squadron......

What kind of noun is squadron?

The noun 'squadron' is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a military group; a word for a thing.The noun 'squadron' is a standard collective noun for:a squadron of aeroplanesa squadron of cavalrya squadron of fighter planesa squadron of flying fisha squadron of jetsa squadron of planesa squadron of shipsa squadron of swan

What are the release dates for The Mod Squad - 1968 A Short Course in War 3-14?

The Mod Squad - 1968 A Short Course in War 3-14 was released on: USA: 5 January 1971

Which raf squodrons use euofihters?

6 Squadron RAF Leuchars3 Squadron RAF Coningsby17 Squadron RAF Coningsby29 Squadron RAF Coningsby11 Squadron RAF Coningsby

What is the collective noun for squadron?

The collective noun is a squadron of airplanes or a squadron of fighter planes.