Braceros. The Bracero program aimed at importing Mexican agricultural labor to replace Americans now in the service. "Bracero" roughly translates as "strong arm"
There were a few people that worked in the war industries during World War One. This group was called the government agency.
Helicopters did not exist (as standard equipment) during WW2. War material still had to be man-handled across terrain. Laborer's were often enlisted or otherwise hired to transport war material into combat areas. Allied nations usually treated native laborers far better than Axis powers did; Axis slave-laborers often worked out of fear (forced labor) for their families or their lives.
Women who worked in factories.
John Bell had three jobs. He worked in government, was employed as an attorney, and owned a plantation. He worked in the House of Representatives during the period of 1827 to 1841.
They made clothes for the men, and worked as nurses.
during the Mexican war
child laborers who worked in dangerous mine shafts
They were called Vaqueros.
they worked as farmers and laborers
It marks the efforts of Allied POWs who were worked to death as slave-laborers by the Japanese Army during WW2 .
they worked for fewer wage
Managers and laborers(OW)
they were laborers. I dont know when or where they worked.
they were laborers. I dont know when or where they worked.
they worked on the great wall and helped
they worked in cities as skilled laborers as blacksmiths and Carpenter's slaves worked on farms, onboard ships, and in the growing shipbuilding industry.
they worked in cities as skilled laborers as blacksmiths and Carpenter's slaves worked on farms, onboard ships, and in the growing shipbuilding industry.