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Q: More than one city
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Is there more than one Mexico City?

No. There is only one.

Can a city have more than one electricity supplier?

Yes it is possible for a city to have more than one electricity supplier if the city is deregulated, which means more electricity suppliers are competing to gain potential customers.

What is a noun for more than one city?


What was the first city with more than one tv station?

new york city

What is the population of the city Greece?

There is more than one city of Greece. You need to tell us which one to get an accurate answer.

Is there more than one city on Pokemon Black and white?

Yes, there is more than one city in Pokemon Black and White. A detailed account of the Isshu region can be found in the related link below.

What is the name of the city in the southeastern part of New Jersey?

Which one? There are more than a few. Atlantic City?

What city is claimed by more than one state?

One city would be Texarkana. Half sits in Texas, the other in Arkansas.

Why was it a Holy City to Muslims?

Because they believed in more than one gods!

How far is Charlotte from the ocean?

There is more than one city named Charlotte.

Why are unit trains more effient than mixed freight trains?

Unit trains are more efficient because they can deliver a single product to one place, rather than delivering one product at one city and another product at a different city.

Is there more than one city named Topeka?

there are a couple of small towns outside of kansas named topeka but only the one city anywhere