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Q: North vietnamese were fighting to unite Vietnam under a communist government?
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Why US should not be fighting the communist in Vietnam?

While fighting communism in Vietnam may have been a good thing, The United States was also supporting an criminally corrupt regime in South Vietnam whic denyed the people of south Vietnam much of their human rights and freedoms for which the United States claimed to be fighting to give them. It is a sad irony that the Vietnamese people actually had more freedom under the communist government than they did under the American backed South Vietnamese government.

Who did America fight against in Vietnam?

The NVA and the VC (North Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong).

Did china support us during Vietnam war?

No. The Communist government of China supplied limited and grudging support to the communist North Vietnamese government.

Who did the Vietcong fight fight for in the Vietnam War?

The Viet Cong (VC) were Communist sympathizers living in SOUTH Vietnam. Very organized, wearing what-ever uniforms and using what-ever weapons they could get their hands on; and fighting primarily as organized guerillas against the Government of South Vietnam. The VC were pretty well destroyed as a fighting force during the TET offensive of 1968; and the war fairly well shifted to the NVA (North Vietnamese Army), after 1968.


Communist guerrilla movement in Vietnam that fought the South Vietnamese government forces 1954-75 with the support of the North Vietnamese army and opposed the South Vietnamese and US forces in the Vietnam War.

The viet cong were the army of the south vietnamese communists?

The Viet Cong were actually a guerrilla force fighting against the South Vietnamese government and its allies during the Vietnam War. They were a communist insurgency movement with connections to North Vietnam. They were not the army of the South Vietnamese communists, but rather a separate entity that fought alongside the North Vietnamese army.

What was the point if view on north vietnam' s side?

North Vietnam's communist government wanted to unify all of Vietnam under their control. The plan was to encourage the general population of South Vietnam that a unified Vietnam would be better than their democracy. North Vietnamese soldiers were taught that they were fighting to remove 'foreign aggressors' from Vietnamese soil to help win back the south.

Out come of the Vietnam war?

The North Vietnamese took over the south and reunified the nation under a communist government.

what is the government religion in Vietnam?

They are a communist government still, and some countries with communism allow religion and some communist governments don't. The Vietnamese government has persecuted some religious people in their country.

What did the agreement in1954 do to Vietnam?

at the end of the Vietnam war the USA. withdrew from the war and the norther Vietnamese named the Viet Cong took over Vietnam and made Vietnam a communist government

Why the communism regime still alive in Vietnam as of now 2007?

Answer VietnamBecause the Vietnamese communist in Vietnam is no longer communist.

Who were the Viet Cong?

Viet Congs: North communist Vietnamese supporters of the communist Front in North Vietnam during the Vietnam War (known in Vietnam as the American War). The Viet Congs fought against both the government/military of South Vietnam and the armed forces of the United States between 1959 and 1975. They were initially a loose grouping of guerrilla fighters. Quick Note: South Vietnam/South Vietnamese didn't want the communist takeover from communist North Vietnam, they wanted to be a democratic country. U.S. entered the war to stop the spread of communism and support the democratic South Vietnam.