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Q: One the greatest threats facing civil war soldiers?
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In what war was the greatest number of American soldiers killed?

The Civil War

What was the greatest cause of death on the soldiers on both sides during the Civil War?


What is considered the greatest problem in the area of civil rights facing your society today?

Answer 1: The greatest problem in the area of civil rights is in racial profiling Blacks. Answer 2: I disagree. I think the biggest issues facing civil rights today are rights for GLBT people - especially transgender people who are criminalized for simply using the bathroom.

What was the main cause of death in the Civil War?

The main cause of death in the US Civil War was disease because of the unsanitary conditions in hospitals used to care for wounded soldiers. One of the greatest killers was Dysentery, a disease that killed over 45,000 Union soldiers and 50,000 Confederate soldiers. It is estimated that two thirds of all deaths among US Civil War soldiers were due to various diseases.

What was the greatest cause of deaths among soldiers on doth sides during the civil wars?

The greatest cause of death was disease 1( from when surgeons did not wash there instruments such as the bone saw.

What was the greatest cause of deaths among shoulders on both sides during the civil war?

If you mean SOLDIERS not "shoulders" the greatest cause of death was disease, infection and loss of blood due to inadequate care

When was Civil War Soldiers Museum created?

Civil War Soldiers Museum was created in 1991.

What was the role of the soldiers of the civil war in the civil war?

The same as white soldiers, to shoot and be shot at.

What were civil war soldiers belongings?

ANSWER They were "citizen-soldiers".

Did soldiers fight in the Civil War?

Yes, soldiers fought in the Civil War. Sadly, that is the fact of war.

How many soldiers were blinded during the civil war?

there were 10 blinded soldiers during the civil war

What did soldiers do for entertainment in the Civil War?

in the civil war the soldiers didnt get to do anything for enteertainment they had to fight a lot