when the war ended
Carlos Aguinaldo
The Philippine insurrection was finally broken in 1901 when American soldiers infiltrated a guerrilla camp and captured Emilio Aguinaldo, the Filipino leader.
what is the weakness of imilio aguinaldo
name of the parents of Emilio aguinaldo
Hahahaha....Jose Rizal and Emilio Aguinaldo. Jose Rizal, basically started the Philippine Revolution against Spain. Emilio Aguinaldo, against the Americans. Unfortunately, both died in battle. Jose Rizal was captured and executed by the Spanish. Emilio Aguinaldo died in battle against the American colonists.
when the war ended
Sometimes the Spanish made captured native Americans into slaves
Gen.Miguel Malvar
Ottawa was never captured by the armericans although the Americans did burn york and looted it . (york = Toronto)
General Frederick N. Funstoncommander of 20th KS infantry in Philippinescredited for capturing Emilio Aquinaldo on March 23rd, 1901
to lead one more the filipinos in fighting for independence
The Americans captured or attacked Trenton on December 26, 1776
he was hungry
The Americans forced the British to surrender at the end of the battle therefore no Americans were captured. (note this was not the end of the war, it was just one portion of the British army that surrendered at that time)
Aguinaldo Shrine-Dambana ni Aguinaldo