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No1 He brought the German people decades of separation and oppresion after the war, not to mention a tremendous war debt.

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Q: This present day did people of Germany proud of Hitler?
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What did Hitler promise the working class?

Hitler promised the Germans:a life within a strong army, making their lives betterhe promised more jobs to provided (He created jobs for the German population by massively expanding the transport routes like highways)he also recruited a huge amount of Germans for the army.Hope this helps :)

What was Hitler most proud of?

I know thiss will haunt me, but according to a film: 'Die Untergang' where Hitler was portrayed by Bruno Ganz (excellent film btw.), he, Hitler said towards his end that he was most proud of having beeing the mastermind behind the holocoaust; the elimination of jews. Actually, derived from the fact that this film really did som serious investigations ragarding Hitler, I tend to really believe that to be true. Anybody else have some insightfulness regarding this? ---

What elements of human nature did Hitler capitalize on?

He exploited the element of self-pity. The Germans were once incredibly proud of thereselves. After the war (not WWII), however, many had fallen into hard times, and thus, poverty. They felt sorry for thereselves, and thus, Hitler was able to take control with his... "incredible" communication skills.

Who taught Hitler hate?

Hitler was said to be a very shy man who was scared to offer answers and ask questions, low confidence. But then he got a councerlor ...........[don't know his name] who built him up by telling him he was a great master who ruled the world. Well, from then on Hitler was a proud oppenly oppinionated man who tried to rule the world.

Why do you think historians study Hitlers upbringing?

Why is it important to learn about a man such as Adolf Hitler? Should we not focus our time learning about men and women who accomplished great things for humanity? This is a very good debate. One may believe that studying the life and ideology of Adolf Hitler may only spread his message of hate. It is possible, there are people who still believe Hitler to be a genious. Although these people may be shallow-minded and ignorant, they still have the opprotunity, as Hitler did, to rise to a position of power. He was able to gain the support of an entire country with his fascist techniques and promises of a better tomorrow. Hitlers ideas became words of passion, his words became the political idealogy of Germany, his political ideology became the law, and his law began the genocide of over 6 million people. Germany was in a very sensitive state when Hitler began to rant about his party of struggle and change. People were ready to join a movement that offered so much action. They believed as Hitler did that the Jews were the problem. He preached that Germany's embarressing defeat in The Great War was due to the Jews. If one has read Hitler's speech of April 12, 1921 they know how deep his hatred of the Jews really runs. The people wanted change without a doubt, with the depression and the Treaty of Versailles looming over their once proud country, but was the change they advocated the change that they really had in mind? Of course not, Hitler had a totally different agenda. To

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Describe the Nazi party's ideology and Hitler's plan for ruling Germany?

He wanted to kill Jews gypsiesw and create a Germany he could be proud of

Why are people proud of the US?

maybe because we are an independent nation and people are being patriotic of it so they are proud or show they are maybe by wearing red,white,and blue clothes or maybe its because we are a nation of freedom if u are proud of that u probobaly love america for that because nations like cuba were once dictated as germany by hitler and cuba by castro thing is we won the war on germany and that is good we have had our independence since july 4 1776 so be proud of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Was Hitler's parents proud of him?


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What influenced Germany to betray Hitler?

Germany did not betray Hitler. The German people, by and large, followed Hitler loyally to the end of the war and his suicide. There may have been minor to moderate protests against the Nazi regime, however these were, by the nature of the Nazi party, quelled very quickly, and occasionally in very brutal manner, and the propaganda of the time sent a very clear message, "Do not oppose the German government." Interestingly enough, the German people are largely ashamed of their past history with the Nazi party, however are legitimately very proud of the Democratic government they now have.

How were the Nazis so successful in winning over the older generation?

They could remember when Germany was a proud and successful nation, with a big army and navy. Hitler looked as though he would restore this situation.

What was Hitler so proud of?

Hitler was so sproud that he had killed so many Jews he also implied that they were "pests".

What did Hitler promise the working class?

Hitler promised the Germans:a life within a strong army, making their lives betterhe promised more jobs to provided (He created jobs for the German population by massively expanding the transport routes like highways)he also recruited a huge amount of Germans for the army.Hope this helps :)

What Hitler's parents think of Nazis?

they were proud and wanted to rape jews too

What hopes did Hitler have for the Olympics that year and what happen?

Before WWII, NAZI Germany under Hitler (since 1933) hoped that the 1936 Olympic games would show the natural superiority of white, northern-European athletes. The Ayran race was supposed to make Hitler proud. But Germany did not do as well as they wanted. In the running events, black American runner Jesse Owens beat the white athletes and got a Gold medal. I'm not sure if other people of other so-called "inferior" races outperformed German or Ayrian athletes too.

Was Hitler in world war 1and 2?

Yes, Hitler was a proud solider of World War 1. He was a brave solider, being injured twice and ranked to Corporal. In World War 2, Hitler led the Nazi Regime and wanted to expand Germany. Therefore, going to war with Poland and resulting in the deportation and laboring of millions of innocent Jews.

What 3 things are you proud of?

There are a great many things that people can be most proud of. Some people are proud of their jobs and other people are proud of their cars or kids for example.