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Religion was not the main cause of the war, but it was one of the triggers. The main cause of the war was Charles I inability to work with his Parliament, added to Parliament's growing sense of themselves as equal to the King. Religion was the final straw to a strained relationship as the Puritan run Parliament began to worry that Charles and his Catholic wife, Henrietta Marie, were planning on either allowing tolerance for the recusants or crypto - Catholics, or bringing the entire Church of England back to the Roman fold. The Puritans wanted the English Church cleansed of any remaining Roman Catholic influences as well as the office of Bishops, while Charles was intent on keeping what ever Catholic practices remained.

However! Charles' inability to work with Parliament stemmed from the influence of Religion. He belived in the "Divine Right of King's", and it was this that made him blind to cooperation. If Charles had merely been a stubborn king, he would have made compramises with Parliament. But the Doctrine of Divine Right disallowed Kings to make any comprimise and concessions, as it alienated them into believing they needn't.

If it was not for Charles (typical) regard for the Divine Right of Kings, the war would not have started as early as 1642.

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Q: To what extent was religion the most important cause of the English civil war?
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