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Q: Took control of the Italian government in 1922?
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What result from the sepoy mutiny apex?

The Britiah government took control over Inida (Apex)

What measures did war time government take to control national economies and public opinion?

Propaganda was the measure that war time government took to control national Economics and public opinion. Propaganda is spreading news that you want the people to hear, it doesn't have to be exactly truthful.

Why did Japans military take control of the government?

first answer:To act on having more control over the people.more correct answer:It was the Japanese Army that took control of the Japanese government in the 1930's. The Japanese Army was obsessed with the goal of conquering China. Controlling the government allowed them to continue their aggression.-M A K A L Z

During what war did the US government take control of all railroads?

During World War 1 the United States government took control of all the railroads. This nationalized system was called The United States Railroad Administration.

Did Italian soldiers persecute the Jewish in World War 2?

Italian soldiers had nothing to do with the Jews in World War II. The Italian government did not persecute the Jews during World War II. The Italian Jews were not transported to concentration camps until 1943 when the Italians turned against the Nazis and joined the Allies. When the Germans took over, they sent the Italian Jews to concentration camps. One of the most famous Italian Jews was Primo Levi who was sent to Auschwitz where he worked in the Monowitz labor camp. He was arrested as a partisan who was fighting with the Allies. Added: The German Nazis tried mostly unsuccessfully to get the Italian fascist government of Mussolini to ship Italy's Jews to German death camps. Mussolini & his government resisted. This is a major difference in policy between the Italian government and that of Germany, which is a good thing. Contrast this with the behavior of Vichy France: The Vichy French government enthusiastically embraced the German request to ship Jews to death camps, and added their own levels of persecution on the Jewish population in southern (Vichy) France.

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Who took control of the Italian government in1922?

Benito Mussolini seized the reins of the Italian government in 1922. He wanted to transform Italy's economy to aligh with his fascist ideologies.

Who took control of the Italian government in 1922?

Mussolini Benito Mussolini, after having been duly appointed Prime Minister by King Vittorio Emanuele III.

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No French revolutionary took control of a government in 1917; however a Russian revolutionary, Vladimir Lenin, took control of the Russian government in 1917.

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