harry truman :))
Shortly after President Roosevelt (FDR) passed away, Truman came into office and made this decision.
As president he was commander in chief of the US military and could order any action against the enemy.
The biggies of course was whether or not to drop the A-bomb or attempt a land invasion of islands with a probable loss of a million or more US forces.
The atomic bomb test
Harry Truman drop the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima, Japan and Nagasaki, Japan.
President Truman.
Harry S. Truman
President Truman.
Harry Truman
Harry S. Truman Harry S. Truman
Yes Truman didit to make the war end soon.
President Harry S Truman
While the development of the atomic bomb was initiated under FDR, Harry S Truman was president when the final decision was made to drop the bomb.
Harry S. Truman decided to drop the atomic bomb on Japan during World War II.