salvino d armate died from sickness
so people could see
No He did not have any.
he lived in italy
He was born in Flourence
Salvino was not married
Carmen Salvino was born in 1933.
Salvino Busuttil was born in 1936.
salvino d armate died from sickness
Salvino D'Armate's birthday is in 1258. Date unknown.
Jill Salvino was born on November 20, 1964.
so people could see
There is no record of how much money Salvino D'Armate had. Salvino D'Armate claimed to have invented what are currently known as glasses back in the 14th century.
Salvino L. Aronica has written: 'Vivere come mentire'
Riccardo Salvino was born on March 29, 1944, in Palermo, Sicily, Italy.
Pedro Salvino Zulen has written: 'La filosofia de lo inexpresable'
Salvino D'Armate