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Q: Was the British Parliament building destroyed during World War 2?
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During its early history the British Parliament?

During its early history, the British Parliament was gathered to discuss legal cases and political issues such as taxation of land.

What social and economic reforms were passed by the british parliament during the 1800s and early 1900s?

Reforms by the British Parliament included reforms in voting, corrupt practices, the British Navy, and education.

What did the british parliament do during its early history?

was elected by the people as a whole

When was the US Capitol destroyed?

By the British in 1814, during the war of 1812, in retaliation for the American burning of York (Toronto). The partially completed building was set on fire.

How did they plan to kill James 1?

By blowing up the parliament building during the state opening.

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Raising the colonies taxes.

How many British Members of Parliament was killed during World War 2?

Type your answer here... 23

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how was parlament formed how was parlament formed

In 1814 the british burned buildings in which city?

the building that thee British burnt down during the 1812 war was actually an American building its also one of the most popular building now a days. this building is the White house.

How was the British Parliament reformed during the early 1800 and?

The question needs to be more specific and at least indicate which country it is referencing

Building in Pennsylvania destroyed on 911?

During the attacks of 9/11, the crash of Flight 93 fortunately, did NOT hit a building. It crashed in an open field that was near an elementary school. They suspect that the plane was intended for the Capital Building.

How was the city of Washington DC affected by the War of 1812?

I know that during the war of 1812 British came to Washington DC. with a treaty but before the general could ask if Madison would sign it he got shot by some men in a near by building. The men were found and killed, after that the British army decided to burn down every government involved building in Washington DC. including the White House, That wasn't finished.