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No they weren't. But gas showers were.

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Q: Were acid showers used during the holocaust?
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Related questions

What were concentrtion camps?

Concentration camps were the places that the Germans used in the Holocaust to exterminate the Jewish. They were rooms filled with gas showers.

What was used during the Holocaust?

Almost everything that was available was used.

What were the concentration camps used for during the holocaust?

They were used for mass murder by the Nazis.

What guns were used during the Holocaust?

machine guns and rifles

What poison was used during the holocaust?

Zyklon B, I believe.

How was organization used in the holocaust?

Nothing can work without organisation, the same principle held true during the Holocaust.

How were the showers used at Auschwitz?

showers were showers, normal inmates would only have one shower during their stay. But you might be confused with the fake shower heads that were in the gas chambers of extermination camps. They were not showers.

What radio was used during the holocaust?

a wireless most often as it was easier.

How were concentration camps used during the holocaust?

Mainly to murder Jews.

What was the term used to describe the extermination of the Jews during World War 2?

The Holocaust. The Nazis themselves called it the Final Solution [of the Jewish Question.

Was there more African slaves killed during slavery or Jews during the Holocaust?

More Jews killed during the Holocaust. Over 6,000,000 (6 million) Jews were killed during the Holocaust. The Jews used for slave labor and medical testing that died aren't part of that number.

What country used little boats to save jews during the holocaust?
