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No, the Rockwell B-1 Lancer, also called the B-1 bomber wasn't first officially used by the United State's military until October 1st, 1986, while World War 2 ended in 1945.

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Q: Were b-1 bombers used in World War 2?
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In what country is a B1 Bomber used?

The B-1 bomber is actually called the B-1 Lancer, and it manufactered by Rockwell. This is a bombing plane which originates in the United States. It was originally developed in the 1960s, but has been through several redesigns since then.

Britain and France declare war on Germany?

When France and Britain declared war on Germany, following Germany's invasion of Poland, Sept. 1939, the local war became a global conflict. This was mainly due to the fact that France and Britain were the two largest imperial colonial nations on earth and their declaration of war technically meant that their empires (Indochina, India, Nigeria, etc) were also at war. France and Britain had created Poland out of pieces of land taken from Germany and Russia, after Germany's defeat in WWI. The Poles took advantage of the political unrest on both of their larger neighbors and quickly expanded their borders. Especially to the east, the Poles expanded in the 1920s. They met more resistance from Germany, which, despite not having an army, did have significant armed militias. These militias repelled the expansionist Poles and the border situtation calmed down for several years. The British and French supported the Poles throughout this era, mainly as a way to limit German power. It was natural, thus, that when German power was exercised at the expense of the Poles in 1939, that the western powers felt obligated to respond. It is interest to speculate on what might have occurred had Britain and France not intervened. Poland was doomed either way. Germany would have then had a direct border link to Russia/USSR. The Germans would likely have invaded Russia in 1940 rather than June 1941. 1940 would have found the Russians in even worse shape than in 1941. Their army high command would have been even more disorganized from the purges. The T34 tank would not have been available as it was in late 1941. On Germany's side there would have been no bombing of German cities from the west, no blockade squezing German industry, no enigma messages given to the Soviets. Germany could have concentrated even more power against Russia than they did in the actual event. They'd have had little need to build up a navy or submarine fleet. The winter of 1940-41 was relatively mild compared to 41-42, aiding German logistics. On the other hand, Germany's smashing victory over France in May 1940 gave Germany huge resources of captured oil, trucks, and industrial supplies. Would Germany have had the financial resources to fight a long war in Russia without the French economy? Interesting to speculate but likely the early war would have gone similar to the way it did in the actual event. Germany would have achieved huge victories early, probably overextended themselves and been forced to fall back. IMO, at some point, the front stabilizes. Probably Germany would ultimately hold a line 200 miles or so deep into the Soviet Union, roughly Riga/Minsk/Kiev. The war would have ended thus, probably in 1942 or early 1943, with both sides exhausted. Germany would, of course, be stronger ultimately with the additional territory but probably unable for several years to consider challenging the western powers. Fast forward a dozen or so years and Hitler would have been long dead (heart disease most likely), the eastern border of Germany remains stable due to Germany and Russia both possessing nuclear weapons, and the western allies are much stronger, not having been bled out financially by a long war with Germany. Thus the British and French empires last much longer, probably into the 1970s. Possibly communism collapses earlier, by 1975. The religious fever of Nazism wanes quickly, and while Germany does not exactly become a republic, its new leaders are more pragmatic and interested in building personal empires and wealth within the German nation.

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How many B1 Bombers were produced?

Approximately 100 were produced.

How many b1a bombers were built?

Only 4 prototypes of the B1A were built. Later, 100 B1 B's were built and about 65 of these are still operational.

First airplane to be used during a war was?

The German Aviatik B1 was possibly the first aeroplane used in WW1 to survey French troop movements in the first month of war.

What color tube for b1?

A lavender or purple top tube is typically used for B1 testing, which measures thiamine (Vitamin B1) levels in the blood.

What jet bombers were used in desert storm?

The new computerized jets, such as the B1 Lancer and not yet fielded B2 had teething problems; so the old Vietnam War veterans had to come in and do the job for them: the mighty B52 Stratofortress and the A6 Intruder all weather medium bomber. Both of these old bombers had suffered greatly in the Vietnam War, approximately 30 Stratoforts and 84 Intruders had been destroyed in Vietnam, with nearly 400 B52s being destroyed by the SALT treaties, and only about 700 of each had been built in the 1960's. After the "Storm" the Intruder was retired, but only about 94 B-52s remain in service; irregardless of what the military says (that the B52 will fly forever)...94 bombers have to have spare parts and metal fatique does take it's toll if flown routinely.

What is a B1?

B1 in science is you and genes

What does B1 in map means?

B1 typically refers to a specific section or block on a map. It could be used to reference a particular grid coordinate or area for navigation purposes.

How do you write an excel formula to find the gross margin percent if A1 is cost and B1 is retail?

"=((B1-A1)/B1)*100" alternatively if you format the cell as a %, it would just be "=(b1-a1)/b1"

Can you upgrade the CPU in Asus M51SN-B1?

yes, it used socket P

What is b1 felony?

It can mean MANY different things in many different jurisdictions. Where I used to work a "B1" was 'police jargon/court shorthand' for "Burglary in the First Degree," which WAS a felony crime.

What reference of Excel is an example of B1?

B1 is a relative reference.

What formula would you use in Excel to add cells b1 and b2 together?

You could use either of the following, by putting the formulas in any cells except A1 and B1: =A1+B1 =SUM(A1:B1)