The surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia under Lee at Appomattox Court House.
...the surrender of Robert E. Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia to Ulysses Grant - effectively the end of the Civil War.
they walked
He surrendered at the Appomattox Court House on April 9,1865.
The Army of Norther Virginia surrendered at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865.
General Lee and General Grant.
Grant from the Union and Robert E. Lee of the Confederacy.
Robert E. Lee's surrender.
Ulysses Grant took the surrender of Robert E. Lee at Appomattox Court House. Other generals in his army (though not present at the formal surrender, which was just the two of them) included Phil Sheridan, Gordon Meade and G.K. Warren.
The Confederate surrender at Appomattox Court House was in the year 1865, on April 9th.
The victorious general, Ulysses Grant, and the loser Robert E. Lee.
Appomattox Court House
Appomattox Court House in Virginia.
appomattox court house
Appomattox Court House
Appomattox Court House, Virginia
No - the Appomattox courthouse is where the surrender was signed.