The Spanish Civil War (1936 - 1939) was a major conflict between the right-wing Nationalists who overthrew the left-wing/Communist? Republican party and brought General Franco to power.
A civil war occurs when one faction of a country fights another faction of the same country. For example: the North fought the South in the American Civil War in America. The Cavaliers fought the Parliamentarians in the English Civil War.
led the country during the civil war
A Civil War
SpainAlthough it was a civil war, Germany, Italy, AND Soviet Russia had joined in. (Extended by Melodius92)
Almost every European country fought in WW II in some way (Spain had a civil war rather than participating in the general war, and was an ally of the Third Reich but did not send troops to their aid). Only Switzerland remained neutral.
The Spanish Civil War was in the late 1930's
Bosnia was a war-torn country in the 1990s. The war led to high unemployment and production to plummet. After the war, the country was faced with rebuilding the war-torn country, the economy, and finance and industry sectors.
No. Zambia is peaceful.
A Civil war in general is a war between one country. If you went to another country and were talking about the civil war they probably would think you were talking about their civil war. The correct term is The United States Civil War.
A war among people who live in the same country is a civil war.
Somalia was torn apart
A civil war is fought by differing factions of a single country.
A civil war is fought by differing factions of a single country.
a civil war the civil war was the north vs. south of one country