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Q: What World War 2 battle caused the most US losses?
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What was the most important battle of World War I?

The battle of the hamburgers. The German's supply of burgers was cut off so they invaded America to get more. This caused world war 1.

How did australia win world war 2?

By inflicting severe losses against the Japanese Empire in the Pacific Theatre. Some of the major battles that led to victory over Japan were Battle of Milne Bay, Battle of Kokoda Trail, Battle of the Coral Sea, and most importantly the Battle of Australia. Australia came out of WW2 as one of the most powerful nations with having the largest airforce in the world.

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What war battle caused most deaths in world history?

The Battle of Stalingrad during the Second World War cost the lives of about 2 million people . This was the costliest battle in human history . Below is a relevant link to the battle of Stalingrad .

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Five most important battles of world war 1 and of world war 2?

World War 2 Battle of Stalingrad Battle of Britain Battle of the Atlantic Battle for Midway Battle of Leningrad

Which battle changed the world the most?

the battle of Stalingrad was defiantly the top of the list for the most chabging battle ever it was so gruesome.

Which issue most caused Native Americans to battle European settlers?

loss of land

Did the confederate army lose more soldiers than the union army?

Non-Battle losses were higher on both sides. Over 60% of Confederate deaths were due to non-battle causes such as disease; Union non-battle losses were nearly 70%. It has been difficult to get accurate statistics for Civil War losses, because so many of the officers and clerks responsible for keeping track of those numbers were themselves casualties. Many estimates of Civil War mortality statistics do not vary significantly from each other. Here is a typical one: The Confederacy had at most 1.25 million combatants. Estimated deaths were 258,000 total with 94,000 battle losses and 164,000 non-battle losses. The Union had at most 2.75 million combatants. Estimated deaths were 360,000 total with 110,000 battle losses and 250,000 non-battle losses.

Which world war 1 battle had the most british casualties?

battle of paesschendaele

Team with the most world series losses?

The New York Yankees have lost 88 World Series games. Of course, they have been in 39 World Series so it would only make sense that they have lost the most games. They have also won the most World Series games with 130.