A veteran is someone who is experienced. A veteran actor has done a lot of acting; a veteran football player has played a lot of football; a veteran cameraman has taken a lot of pictures. A special type of veteran is a war veteran, someone who has served in and experienced a war. Often when people say "veterans", that is who they are talking about.
Veterans - plural does not have an apostrophe.Veteran's - singular possessive does have an apostrophe.Veterans' - plural possessive does have an apostrophe.
Verbs are not describing words; verb are words for an action or for being. Adjectives are words that describe nouns, veterans is a noun.Some adjectives to describe the word veterans:bravedeterminedearnesthonorableretiredstalwarttenaciousvaliantventurous
Yes, the noun 'veterans' is a plural, common noun; a word or someone who has served in their county's military, served in a war; someone who has a lot of experience doing a particular activity; a word for a person.
273 words found using the letters in "Veterans"7 Letter Wordsearnesteasternnearestnervateservanttavernsventersversantveteran6 Letter Wordsantresarenesaretesasternaverseavertseastereatersenatesenteraenterseventsevertsneaternervesnesterraneesravensreavesrenestrentesreseatresentrevestrevetssateenseatersenatestarvesternatavernteasertenserternestravestreensvasterveenasventerversetverste5 Letter Wordsantesantreareneareteasteravensaversavertearnseateneatereavesenateentereraseernesesteretnasevenseventevertnaresnatesnavesnearsneatsnertsnervenevernevesraneerantsratesravenravesreavereestrenterentsresatresetrevetsanersareesaversenteservesetaesevenseversnaresneerstanestarestavesteersteresterntarestarnstearsteaseteenstenseterneternstersetranstravetreentreesvanesveenaveersvenaeventsverseverstvertsvesta4 Letter Wordsanesanteantsaresarseartsatesaveravesearnearseaseeasteatseaveeraserneernserstesneetasetnaeveneverevesnavenearneatnestnetsneverantraserateratsravereesrentrestreteretsrevssanesatesavesearseatseenseersenesentseraseresetastartanstaretarntarstavstearteasteenteestensterntreetrestsarvanevansvarsvasevastvatsveerveesvenaventveravertvestvets
In the sentence "Honor our army veterans" there is no better word In the sentence "He's a veteran of his field" you can say experienced or long time member
The English definition of the word 'domiciliary' is a home provided to old or disabled veterans who no longer have the ability to care for themselves. These houses are provided by the government.
The definition of a VA mortgage loan is a loan that is guaranteed by the Veterans Administration. The purpose of this loan is to assist veterans and their families in obtaining home financing.
The veterans from the second world war marched in a parade. We are 25 year veterans of the police force.
The word is spelled veterans.
Veterans - plural does not have an apostrophe.Veteran's - singular possessive does have an apostrophe.Veterans' - plural possessive does have an apostrophe.
It is not necessary to capitalize every word in "Veterans Day ceremony." Capitalize the proper noun "Veterans Day" but leave the other words lowercase unless they are part of a title.
Armistice day
Old military people!
AMVETS stands for American Veterans. It is a organization formed by World War II volunteer-led veterans. They accept honorably discharged veterans as well.
The general noun "veteran", as in "Mary is a veteran" is not capitalized. "The Vietnam veterans marched in the parade". The word is capitalized when it is part of a title; an in Veterans' Day, or Veterans' Administration.