They put in 2 million orders for rifles
He became head of theBritish government
The US government created the Committee on Public Information in order to help create a consensus regarding World War 1. The committee utilized things such as movies, radio, and newspaper articles to propagandize for the war.
The German's had initially thought that it would take Russian a total of 6 weeks (40 days) to get ready and mobilize, but in actuality, it took the Russian armies a total of 10 days.
The US government is not trying to take over the world but it is only trying to do what all other governments do. The US government wants to expand its territory and increase its worth.
They put in 2 million orders for rifles
what actions should the government take to enure the well-being of people in rural and urban areas
They dropped a bom on Japan
policy making
The government has made Biological weapons and have striked back on the terrorists
Boycotts, polling, voting, petitions, and referendums are five of the legal actions that citizens of the US utilize to affect our government.
U.s. constitution
He became head of theBritish government
The US government created the Committee on Public Information in order to help create a consensus regarding World War 1. The committee utilized things such as movies, radio, and newspaper articles to propagandize for the war.
liberal (novanet)
Encouraging consumerism and pop culture.
The German's had initially thought that it would take Russian a total of 6 weeks (40 days) to get ready and mobilize, but in actuality, it took the Russian armies a total of 10 days.