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6 years
Alright. there were no actual soldiers of the Aztec empire. during the celebration they had. (The Aztecs thought they were gods because they had horses). But in the death toll there were almost 300,000 thousand people who had died. only 25 of Cortes 1000 men had died. Of course the Aztecs were defeated.Why?Spanish Had GunsAztecs had Sticks with Rocks at the end.Ya... Easy as that
Hernan Cortes ordered his men to burn all but one of their ships. Cortes reasoned that by eliminating their only method of retreat, his men had no choice but to fight hard to win against the Aztecs, which they ultimately did (Global Business Today (2010)).
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, 600
Many Aztec people were actually killed by the diseases that the European men brought over with them. Because the Aztecs had never been exposed to European diseases, they had no immunity to them. Many of the Aztecs contracted diseases like Smallpox from the European soldiers and died from illness as opposed to actually casualties of war.
Spanish conquistador Hernando Cortes and his men tricked the Aztecs into believing that the Hernando Cortes was their god.
around 1000
Cortes and his men attacked the Aztec civilization while riding huge horses. The warriors where armed with cross bows and heavy swords. But not only did Cortes's men wipe out more than half the Aztecs they also brought a killer disease which killed the rest of the Aztecs and ended their civilization for ever. It is also wise to acknowledge that Cortes did not do this on his own. Along his travel to Tenochtitlan he made allies with other Indian tribes that did not like the Aztecs. This was another key to Cortes' victory over the Aztecs.
6 years
The Aztecs didn't attack Cortes and his men at first because they did think that he was a god. But after Cortes captured the priest or leader, he masacured many Aztecs and conquered their land.
with deseases, horses & guns
Superior weapons, and his military trained men.
White men would come and destroy the population of the Aztecs.
It was actually quite horrible, the Aztec didn't like Cortes, and it was justified too, considering he and his men basically destroy their civilization.
The Aztecs believed him to be a sun god of some sorts and were in awe of him and his men on horses (never seen before)
He was using a Aztec woman named Malinche. Then Malinche led Cortes and his men to the Aztec City, Tenochtitlan. Cortes was determined to break the power of the Aztecs and took Moctezuma hostage. The Aztecs then called Malinche a traitor. Which then they battled, the Spanish had an advantage in battle because they had better weapons and horses. The Spanish had wiped out millions of Aztecs,which led to the end of the Aztecs.
It is a common misunderstanding that Cortes and his men alone conquered the Aztecs; in reality, 400 Spanish conquistadores allied themselves with up to 10,000 Tlaxcaltec warriors, who were bitter enemies of the Aztecs. Between both armies crushed the Aztecs.