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A chamber pot, lots of blankets and plenty of canned food to keep them warm and secure.

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Q: What alternatives did people have to Anderson shelters?
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Are the Anderson shelters safe or can easily brake?

Anderson shelters were bomb shelters so if they broke easily they wouldn't be much help in protecting people from bombs!!

How many people died in Anderson shelters?


How many people died in the Anderson shelters?


Why did they have Anderson shelters?

to protect people from air raids.

What was the maximum number of people who could stay in an Anderson shelter?

Anderson shelters were made to accomodate 6 people.

How did people know when to come out of Anderson shelters?

There were sirens to tell people to go into the shelters and there was another siren to tell them to come out.

Can people die in Anderson shelters?

Yes many people have died in Andiron shelters they can be pretty danders whilst on fire.

What was the difference between Morrison and Anderson shelters?

Anderson shelters were outside and Morrison shelters were inside.

What is so special about Anderson shelters?

Well it protected people from bombs!

Who used Anderson shelters?

All the community can use it and people who have them in there gardens.

What sort of things did people put in their Anderson shelters in 1939?


How did people get an Anderson shelter?

About 1.5 million Anderson shelters were distributed by the 'Air Raid Precautions' government unit.