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Q: What are children sent away during World War 2 called?
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What are evacuees during world war 2?

Evacuees are children moving house far away while the war was on

What did some women do during the world war 1?

they looked after young children in safe houses away from battlefields.

How do you spell the word that describes children who were taken away from their homes and families during World War II?


What happened to children who were not evacuated during World War 2?

they were kept hidden, there parents ran away with them or they were bombed.

Where did the children go during World War 1?

ok children during the war got evacuated off to the countryside away from the bombings,and probably would never see there family again.

What happen to the children during blitzkrieg?

they died or ran away

Were children sad when they were sent away in world war 2?


When did the US turn away jewish refugees?

The United States turned away Jewish children refugees during WWII in 1939.

What did to be evacuated mean in World War 2?

In Britain in World War 2 children (and in the case of babies, also the mothers) were sent from large cities to rural areas to get them away from bombing. This process was called evacuation.

Who was a Philippine hero during World War 2?

Get away

How did some children in world war 2 survive?

They were sent away to homes in the country side away from where the was was taking place.

Where were the half-caste children taken to?

The half caste children were taken away to a place called the Moore River Native Settlement