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Q: What are temporary living quarters for soldiers called?
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Partial Rate: This BAH rate is for soldiers living in barracks or government bachelor quarters. Soldiers

What BAH rate is for soldiers in barracks or government bachelor quarters?

Partial Rate: This BAH rate is for soldiers living in barracks or government bachelor quarters. Soldiers

What bah rate is for soldiers living in barracks or government bachelor?

Partial Rate: This BAH rate is for soldiers living in barracks or government bachelor quarters. Soldiers

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Limit soldiers to scarlet fever?

No. It is spread often times through close living quarters including hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and also soldiers

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What is a billet and billet officer?

A billet is where a soldier is assigned to sleep, such as in barracks or garrisons. During World War 2, it originally meant a note issued by a billeting officer to a soldier, directing him to his living quarters.

What and why are living quarters?

Living quarters are where people can live, or shelter. People live in them for shelter.