they were under the control of (The Soviet Union) hince the word (satellite)
It means to withdraw membership from an organization. ie: The south seceded from the union during the civil war.
It means to pull out of or break an agreement to be confederated or united. Like when the southern states seceded from the north during the civil war over a matter of taxation, with a minor point about slavery. hi girls and boys
Secesh is short for secessionist, a person who supported the secession of the sourthern states from the United States.
cross jerusalem wine and bread lent that is all i have sorry
the answer to number one to four (word scramble) are... Water, Safety, Crawl, Smoke Alarms.
An antonym for the verb to scramble is to organize.
The letters in scramble will also spell clambers.
a word (an answer) for the question : which word is loose union of states
I want to scramble an egg
The word is tinder.
The word is drifts.
The word is heard.
The word is breastfeeding.
'United' is the adjectival version of the word 'Union'. In the Civil War, the United States, temporarily minus the Confederate states, was known as the Union.