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the name is too long and it sounds like poo. and it doesnt work

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Q: What are the disadvantages of the imperial system?
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Why does any county continue to use the imperial system?

The imperial system is as good as the other systems like the metric system and it is easy to learn and teach it. in addition, the imperial system is universal in nature.

What is the other system rather then the metric system?

The other system is called the imperial system. Some imperial measurements are foot, inch, yard and mile.

What is the imperial measurement system?

The system of imperial units or the imperial system is the system of units first defined in the British Weights and Measures Act of 1824, which was later refined and reduced. The system came into official use across the British Empire.

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The Imperial system.

Are feet and inches known as imperial or imperative measurements?

They are part of the Imperial system.

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The Dowry System leads to unplanned pregnancy.

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no disadvantages whatsoever.