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Sending the military into the South

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he wanted to succed

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Q: What are the main points of each plan for reconstruction?
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What was the main idea of Andrew johnsons reconstruction plan?

Jamehl Wiley

What are the main points of the Connecticut plan?

it was a great compromise.

Who won reconstruction?

The reconstruction plan that had won was the Andrew Johnson's Plan.

What were the three plans for reconstruction after the civil war in 1865?

Lincoln's Reconstruction plan, Johnson's Reconstruction Plan and the Radical Republicans in Congress Reconstrucion plan

Which plan for Reconstruction was made by Rebuplicans in Congress who did not approve of Lincoln's plan?

reconstruction acts and 10% plan

What are names for two plans for reconstruction and how were they different from each other?

The South really didn't have a plan instead they opposed reconstruction. Lincoln proposed a 10% plan which means 10% of white males in each state had to take an oath which in slavery was illegal.

What is Johnson reconstruction plan?

presidential reconstruction

What was the title of lincolns plan for the south when recovery from the war?

The 10 Percent Plan was the title of Lincoln's plan for the South's recovery from from the war.

Lincoln's 1863 program for a rapid reconstruction of the south?

"10 percent" Reconstruction plan

What did the marshal plan mostly focus on?

Post-war reconstruction .

What was the nickname of lincoln's reconstruction plan?

10 % plan

Which idea was a part of Lincoln plan for Reconstruction?

The Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction in 1863 was part of Lincoln's Ten-Percent Plan. The plan for reconstruction was based on forgiveness to unite the northern and southern states.