world war2 begain september1 1939 and ended on September 2, lasted atleast six years one day in Europe and other wars were involved too.
The First World War lasted for more than four years (28 July, 1914-11 November, 1918).
The war lasted 6 years
World War 2
For the most part, reconstruction was complete within 10 years after end of World War II. However, it was actually decades before all of the bombed buildings and debris was removed. Bombs and other munitions are still found.
it lasted for to years in a vigiana
The war lasted four years, but Gettysburg lasted three days.
it lasted 2 years.
The main speaker was Edward Everett, a popular politician from Massachusetts, and his speech lasted about 2 to 2 and a half hours, unlike Lincoln's whose only lasted about 2 and a half minutes.
2 years 2 years and three months
world war2 begain september1 1939 and ended on September 2, lasted atleast six years one day in Europe and other wars were involved too.
It lasted six years.
It lasted for 2 years.
World War 2 began on September 1, 1939 and ended on September 2, 1945. It lasted exactly six years and one day.
it lasted 2 years.
The inaguaration day parade 2009 lasted 2 and a half hours!
world war 2, because world war 1 lasted 4 years (1914~1918) and world war 2 lasted 6 years (1939~1945).