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I think we need to reduce the violence before any thing can be done. There is too much violence on TV, in movies, on games, and in other areas. Instead of learning to solve problems in a peaceful way we are teaching our children that violence is the only method. This must start at the most basic level, in the home and schools. As a teacher I refused to accept any work that showed violence or allowed my students to write stories/essays that hurt, killed, damaged or murdered any living thing ( I included "living thing" to include animals). I think as a teacher if I condone this through drawings or writings I am giving permission for students to think in violent ways and to act out in violent ways. I am trying to teach students to be critical thinkers and that would be against what I am doing as a teacher to allow them not to think of other solutions to problems. Until we get control of this I really feel that we can not reduce the conflicts of the world because there is no room for understanding of others or how to solve conflict without violence.

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Q: What can be done to reduce the conflicts in this world?
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